The secure cloud desktop platform for agencies

Are you a Business Service Agency such as a team of Virtual Assistants, Book Keeping team, accountant or hybrid law firm? If you are, you'll know the difficulties in keeping everyone working efficiently, while maintaining client confidentiality and looking after your customers information.

Many of your team will be using their own computers and devices, but where client data is concerned, that introduces a real risk to your business, let alone the nightmare of tracking passwords.

VA's, and similar agencies, like book-keeping,  have always worked flexibly, often from a home office. But in the new world of work this model has continued to evolve and now your team could be anywhere, needing to access client data from any device to do their job.

VA VA Voom's secure desktop cloud platform is designed to empower your team, giving them the ability to service your clients while maintaining the strict controls needed for your customers precious data and information.  From onboarding a new team member, to accessing sensitive files or sharing passwords, the platform is designed to put you, the agency owner in control and give peace of mind to you and your clients.

The Problem

If you have an employee, you can provide them with a laptop, software package and security solution that keeps your clients data - the employees work - separate from their own personal PC. And as the laptop or PC belongs to your business, it's retained by you when they leave.

But this is an unstainable model for many businesses. You often require your workers to use their own machines, especially when they are only working for you part-time, they are self-employed or overseas.

As the owner or director, your top priority is to keep client information safe, but there are a whole list of other "priorities" you need to juggle from the prompt delivery of projects and tasks through to customer satisfaction.

And so information sharing, passwords, data retention and access tend to fall lower down the list so that you can grow your business and keep clients happy and respond to deadlines, while that nagging worry about security remains at the back of your mind, let alone the legal ramifications of a data breach. And even when you are on top of all of that, providing IT equipment to part timers or associates is expensive.

Va Va Voom solves all of these issues, by providing a cloud-based secure desktop platform for your team, without you needing to provide them with additional hardware.

Why use VA VA VOOM for your Business?

Traditional Agency Worker/Associate

Uses their own laptop or PC to access client files, emails and calendar

Uses their own apps to compose or edit documents

Has a computer without disk encryption

Stores client passwords (e.g. to online accounts) in their own web browser or email client.

Uses the computer for other work or shares with other family members

You, as the agency owner, have no visibility of whether the machine is up to date or is running appropriate security software.

You have no control over the client data that is downloaded to the agents computer.

You can't stop data retention if a worker leaves your team.

Managing usernames and passwords that your client gives you for the agency worker to access the client account (e.g. email) can be a nightmare.

Your team members probably record time in a spreadsheet, losing you money and making accurate billing a challenge.

Va Va Voom Worker

Access via the secure cloud system, nothing is processed on their laptop or PC

Uses your apps to compose or edit documents

Encryption as standard

Client passwords are only stored within the Va Va Voom system and are encrypted.

Is only used for your agency client's tasks, and additional security ensures only authorised use.

Always up-to-date and runs multi-layered security applications to help prevent hacking, malware and data theft.

No client data is downloaded to the agents laptop or PC, but the agents can still work with 100% efficiency.

If a worker leaves your team, they lose access immediately.

Inbuilt password management stores passwords for web apps, email, and more. You control who has access, and when. Passwords can even be hidden so they can be used, but not noted down.

Va Va Voom workers now have access to a complete time recording and billing system, included for free.

How does Va Va Voom work?

Your team use their own laptop, desktop PC or Mac and securely log into the Va Va Voom cloud via a web browser. Any modern browser is supported, and there are very few requirements for this end of the connection. No VPN is needed, just a reliable internet connection.

After signing in and passing security, your agents are presented with the Va Va Voom secure desktop, and the apps you want them to use. While most Va Va Voom customers will be using Microsoft Office or Google Workplace, your businesses apps can be made available, based on who the agent is and what you want them to access.

Almost every conceivable Windows application or web app can be used, and passwords for applications such as email (including client mailboxes), web apps and cloud-accounting applications are at your agents fingertips. Everything is kept secure and you always keep control of your data, your clients information, logon information and passwords. Everything runs inside the Va Va Voom secure cloud, and no client data is transferred to your agents own computer.

And as a bonus, we are now bundling Va Va Voom with your very own time recording and billing system, completely free (excludes single user version, time recording is available separately upon request)

VA VA VOOM Subscription Options


Ideal for businesses with fewer than 5 team members. Includes:

Va Va Voom Secure Desktop

Security Suite

Password Manager

Backup included*

Default application suite: Microsoft Office*, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Microsoft Edge Browser, Time Recording and Billing

Additional Application install - free for the first application.

2+ users

From £14 per user per week


Ideal for businesses with 5-10 team members. Includes:

Va Va Voom Secure Desktop

Security Suite

Password Manager

Backup included*

Default application suite: Microsoft Office*, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Microsoft Edge Browser, Time Recording and Billing

Additional Application install - free for first two applications.

5+ users

From £12 per user per week


Ideal for businesses with 10+ team members. Includes:

Va Va Voom Secure Desktop

Security Suite

Password Manager

Backup included*

Default application suite: Microsoft Office*, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Microsoft Edge Browser, Time Recording and Billing

Additional Application install - free for first three applications.

10+ users

From £10 per user per week

NEW! Associate subscription

Ideal for businesses wishing to engage an overseas worker or a single VA:

Va Va Voom Secure Desktop

Security Suite

Default application suite: Microsoft Office*, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Microsoft Edge Browser

Additional Application install - free for the first application.

Single User

From £16 per user per week

Can't see the right option for you? Want pricing for part timers?

*Backup of your instance is limited to 1Tb by default. If you are running applications that store data on the Va Va Voom platform that may exceed this requirement, we reserve the right to charge for storage and increase your backup quota.

*Microsoft Office is pre-installed on the Va Va Voom secure desktop, but cannot be used without a separately provided license (either your own 365 subscription, or subscription purchased with Va Va Voom). Other licensing options are available, please enquire.

Designed for Business like yours

Having worked with VA's, Accountants, Book Keepers and IFA’s for many years, we understand the requirements you have in order to be able to deliver 100% of your best work to your clients, quickly and efficiently.

But we also know that to run a successful and profitable business, technology shouldn't get in the way of delivering on projects and tasks, but instead improve your teams productivity, while saving money, removing headaches and keeping your clients information secure.

For agencies who bill by the hour, we provide an optional time tracking and billing solution, completely free of charge. We know that recording time and then billing your clients accurately is key to your business success.

If you already have a cloud-based time recording system, it will work perfectly with the Va Va Voom secure desktop, but if not, ours is included straight out of the box. It's easy to use, powerful, precise and is available to you from day one.

To learn more about the features and benefits of our included time tracker, click here or arrange a demo today.

About Us

Va Va Voom is brought to you by The Technologies Group Limited, a UK based, award-winning IT Business with over 34 years experience providing IT services and support to small and medium sized businesses in the UK and internationally.

The secure cloud platform is the culmination of our cloud skills and is securely hosted in the UK and EU to ensure that data security and regulation are paramount.

The Technologies Group (TTG) is registered with the UK Information Commissioners Office (ICO) and we are Cyber Essentials Certified. As a leading provider of IT services to business, TTG has been awarded as one of the top 50 UK IT companies for the last five years running.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Va Va Voom offering Virtual Assistance or Book Keeping services?

No, Va Va Voom is a cloud platform FOR VA Agencies, Book Keepers and similar who offer business support services. We do not provide these services, but empower the businesses that do. If you are looking for an agency to assist your business, we recommend researching yourself and asking for recommendations. Always choose an agency that takes your business data and privacy seriously.

Is a free trial of Va Va Voom available?

Because each Va Va Voom instance is provisioned just for your agency, a free trial is not available. We do however offer a no-quibble 30-day money back guarantee, and we are happy to demonstrate Va Va Voom before you purchase. If you would like a demo, please get in touch with us today.

What support is provided?

Va Va Voom is fully supported at no extra cost, and support can be delivered by email, phone or web.

Support includes the Va Va Voom system and the secure desktop.

The free support does not extend to your own computers which must be in good working order with a reliable internet connection. However, if you do need assistance in this area, the providers of Va Va Voom will be happy to assist you on an ad-hoc chargeable basis or discuss options with you.

We cannot support 3rd party applications you want installed on the Va Va Voom platform outside of the actual installation, upgrade or de-installation of those applications. You should have a support arrangement with the vendor of the application and we are happy to work with 3rd party vendors to keep your business operating smoothly.

Does the Va Va Voom secure desktop support local printing?

Yes, regardless of the printer model your agent has, printing is supported, if authorised. This means that agents can print documents on behalf of your clients, if needed. No additional software is needed, which is why any printer make/model will work.

Is scanning supported?

Most scanners (including those built into all-in-one printers) are supported, providing they comply with either the TWAIN or WIA standards. Should an agent have a scanner that isn't directly supported, scanned documents can be uploaded to the platform, but scanning directly to the secure desktop is the preferred and quickest method. This allows your agents to scan documents, even correspondence/post for your clients.

Does Va Va Voom support 2-Factor-Authentication?

2FA (also called MFA or Multi-Factor Authentication) via an authenticator app (Those "6 digit codes" generated on a smartphone, similar to many online banking applications) is not only supported, it's a mandatory requirement of Va Va Voom in order to keep the platform secure for your users. While we advise users choose strong, unique passwords for their account, 2FA ensures that logon is not possible unless the time-limited 2FA code is entered as well.

Can I run my agencies own applications on the secure desktop?

Your agency, not the agent/worker/associate decides what applications are installed or run on the secure desktop. While applications can be installed "on demand" by you, we recommend compiling a standard list when onboarding.

Examples of apps that either are pre-installed, or can be installed, include (but are not limited to):

  • Microsoft Office
  • Adobe Acrobat
  • Scan to PDF
  • Additional web browsers like Chrome or Firefox
  • Accounting apps such as Sage 50
  • Dictation transcription applications
  • Time recording software or cloud apps
  • And almost any other Windows application - even if your agent is connecting via an Apple Mac. This includes some legacy apps where there aren't "cloud versions" - so you can effectively convert a non-cloud app into a cloud version using Va Va Voom!

Apple and Linux applications cannot be installed, but most have Microsoft Windows versions.

You MUST have a license for the application to be installed, either via an issue licensed certificate, login, product key or it can be purchased as part of your Va Va Voom subscription.

I have my own time recording and billing software, or would like some

Every Va Va Voom subscription includes our free time tracking, recording and billing app for you to use against client work, but it's completely optional to use and if you already have a great tracking, billing and reporting solution in place, it will work just great with the Va Va Voom secure desktop.

We've included it because many growing agencies are still recording time manually, often using spreadsheets and keeping track of it all is a nightmare. Billing is even harder and reporting or sticking to client budgets almost impossible.

If you don't have a time recording and billing solution, we are about to revolutionise that way you bill your clients, and you can find out more here.

What do my agents / associates / consultants or workers need to use the secure desktop?

The Va Va Voom system can be accessed on almost ANY "client" device, that supports an HTML5 web browser. This includes:

  • Microsoft Windows 8.1, 10 or 11 (Home or Pro version) on a computer with Intel or AMD processor.
  • Apple Mac
  • Linux (Intel or AMD CPU)

With all the above, full screen support and printing is supported.  Va Va Voom works on, but with some restrictions (e.g. no scanning) on:

  • Windows editions on ARM processors
  • Chromebook
  • iPad and Android Tablets (but we'd recommend devices with full keyboards and mice for obvious reasons!)

You can currently access Va Va Voom from a Windows 7 or Windows 8 laptop / desktop, but we would advise against it as these machines are no longer supported by Microsoft and represent an additional security risk.

If Va Va Voom is a cloud service, is it private? I have clients with very sensitive data.

While the Va Va Voom service is available for any agency, each Va Va Voom instance is provisioned privately JUST FOR YOUR AGENCY/BUSINESS.  Resources are shared between each of your agents/associates/consults/employees, but each Va Va Voom instance is isolated using a virtual network for every customer. It's therefore impossible, even with login credentials, for any other Va Va Voom customer to access your data or your clients information.

Inside of your instance, you decide who can access what information (although the method of that depends on the applications your team are using).

Does Va Va Voom work with Microsoft 365 or Google Workplace?

The secure desktop works brilliantly with Microsoft 365. It also supports businesses that use Google Workspace and many other productivity suites.

If you have, or would like Microsoft 365 or Google Workplace, then integration can be made at two levels:

  1. Fully integrated. Your users sign into Va Va Voom using their existing Microsoft or Google credentials. Support for Onedrive, Google Drive and Sharepoint are also natively supported by Va Va Voom.
  2. Partial integration. Your users are given a unique Va Va Voom login, which is separate for their 365 or Google login. Applications on their secure desktop can sign in to their Google or 365 account, and sign-ins will be remembered and secured by their login, but it does mean that users need two sets of login details.

The Va Va Voom subscription does not include Microsoft 365 or Google Workplace, but 365 subscriptions and licenses can be bundled with your purchase at exactly the same pricing as purchasing directly from Microsoft (Monthly term). Please ask us for details. If you have an existing 365 business account that you would like to integrate with your Va Va Voom account, we can assist with the management aspect of this as well.

Is there a minimum contract period for Va Va Voom?

After the 30 day money-back guarantee period, your Va Va Voom contract will run for a further 11 months - i.e. 12 months total. Our contract is extremely flexible and fair:

  • Initial 30 Day money-back guarantee
  • You can increase user numbers at any time (no upper limit)
  • You can decrease user numbers at any time (min 2 users)
  • You can upgrade or downgrade your package at any time
  • After the 12 month contract, you move onto a simple 30 day (one month) rolling contract that can be cancelled at any time.

Can I pay for Va Va Voom via invoice (credit terms)?

We cannot offer credit terms for your monthly Va Va Voom installation, because the software used on the platform needs to be paid in advance of each month.

You can choose to pay by Direct Debit (the preferred option) - this includes the direct debit guarantee, or by a major debit/credit card.

A VAT tax invoice will be issued to you in all circumstances for your records.

If I choose to cancel my contract, what happens to any data within the platform?

If you choose to cancel, your data will be accessible until the end of the calendar month. You can download it freely, it's your data after all.

When the month ends, you will no longer be able to directly access your data, but we can still provide you with a copy for another 30 days*. After this point, we securely delete all data, and it is no longer recoverable.

If you store data within an external cloud service, such as Microsoft 365 or Dropbox for example, it's retention is unaffected by the deletion of your Va Va Voom instance. If you are purchasing 365 from us and end your contract with us, you can choose to retain 365 yourself, directly with Microsoft, or have us cancel it at the same time.

If you are also using the Va Va Voom time recording and billing system, you have two options. You can continue to use the services, outside of the Va Va Voom secure desktop, using any modern web browser -  we'll arrange a separate subscription for you. Alternatively, if you no longer require this component, it will cease at the end of the calendar month in sync with your Va Va Voom subscription. Note that you should have completed any billing cycles or downloaded recorded time up-to-date prior to that point.

*Offline copies of data are provided free of charge, but there may be a cost for the storage medium we use to deliver the data to you (e.g. USB hard drive, for example).

Va Va Voom, and this website are copyright © 2022-2023, The Technologies Group Limited. All rights reserved. The name Va Va Voom and the Va Va Voom logo are a registered trademark of The Technologies Group Limited.

The Technologies Group Limited is registered in England and Wales, Registration no. 2360575. Director: Darrin Salt.

Our registered address is: The Vanguard Business Centre, Alperton Lane, Greenford, Middlesex. UB6 8AA.

T: +44 20 8995 2914. E: [email protected]. W:

Policies/Terms and conditions

Cookie Policy

Arrange a Demo

To see how Va Va Voom could work for your agency and arrange a demo, please complete the form below. Your details will only be used to arrange a demonstration, and they will not be shared by anyone.

We'll be in touch to arrange a demonstration at a time convenient to you. We process your personal data as stated in our Privacy Policy. You may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our emails. We value your data and will not share, sell or repurpose the information provided in this form. The Technologies Group Ltd is registered with the Information Commissioners Office (UK).


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Providing your phone number is entirely optional, but if you provide it we can probably respond more quickly. If you'd prefer to be contacted by email, please leave the number blank - we respect your time and privacy.


Va Va Voom time tracking and Billing

Included in your subscription, completely free of charge, is the Time-Tracking Recorder and Billing System, which will enable you to:

  • Record time spent on client tasks
  • Record time spent on client projects
  • Set budget-limits against clients or projects (e.g. X hours per month or £'s per month)
  • Create a team amongst your workers and allocate specific clients for recording or billing purposes
  • Decide who is a team lead or admin
  • Bill accurately via PDF invoices, or export to accounting software
  • See reports on working hours and profitability against users, teams or projects
  • and more...